Position: Adjunct Web Design Instructor

Location: Camden, NJ

Website: Rutgers University Camden

Job Description:
Rutgers University Camden is looking for an Adjunct Instructor to Teach Web/UX/interactive course within a Bachelors of Arts program in the Department of Fine Arts with specialization in the Digital Design/Web Development and Design curriculum. The course is an introductory Design Web Development course—User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX) and graphic design. Interactive multimedia, video editing, 3D modeling & animation skills, and scripting/coding experience are a plus. Courses are taught at night (after 5pm) once a week.

  • An MFA in digital design or a related field would be preferred but NOT required.
  • Demonstrated abilities and employment experience in Digital Design, UI/UX and Web/App Development.
  • Successful work experience is desired over teaching experience (teaching experience is preferred but NOT required.)
  • Extensive knowledge of graphic design, HTML, CSS and Java, current design/web/app programs and languages.
  • Five years of experience in the design industry preferred.
  • A professional portfolio of current work.
  • Ability to develop innovative curricula, appropriate course content.
  • Demonstrated ability with the tools and techniques required to innovate and solve design project challenges creatively.
  • Terms of contract: Position begins fall semester 2016 but can be extended beyond. Salary is based on competitive Rutgers University faculty salary schedule.
To Apply:
Submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae to allanesp@camden.rutgers.edu.
About Rutgers University:
As the premier comprehensive public research university in the state’s system of higher education, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, has the threefold mission of

  • providing for the instructional needs of New Jersey’s citizens through
    its undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education programs;
  • conducting the cutting-edge research that contributes to the medical, environmental, social, and cultural well-being of the state, as well as aiding the economy and the state’s businesses and industries; and
  • performing public service in support of the needs of the citizens of the state and its local, county, and state governments.
Each component of the university’s mission reinforces and supports the other two. Rutgers is dedicated to teaching that meets the highest standards of excellence, to conducting research that breaks new ground, and to providing services, solutions, and clinical care that help individuals and the local, national, and global communities where they live.