Online registration closes at 3pm today - registration will be permitted at the door
Don’t miss out on this chance to interface with Philadelphia’s top design and advertising professionals!
AIGA Philadelphia proudly presents Feedback 16. Our annual event connects emerging area creatives with the region’s best industry professionals in one-on-one portfolio reviews, providing valuable input and advice. Join us for an exciting evening of networking and resources designed to send you into the real world on the right foot!
New to this year’s program is the sharing of select portfolios from area colleges and a showcase of your best work projected digitally throughout the evening.
Show off your best work!
Along with your registration please send 1-3 JPG files in provided template (Horizontal or Vertical) to: to be showcased during Feedback 16!
Wednesday, May 7, 2014 | 5pm – 9pm
Moore College of Art & Design
20th and Race Streets
Philadelphia, PA
4:30pm to 5:30pm: Check-in and registration
5:30pm to 6:30pm: Student Presentations to Peers. These will continue in small group settings throughout the evening
6:30pm to 9:00pm: Reviews
Download PDF to view the list of Reviewers. Reviewer sign-ups will take place at the venue the evening of Feedback. AIGA Student Members will sign up first followed by non-members.
Online registration opens on April 16 for AIGA members and April 23 for non-members
Online Registration
Members $10, Non-members $20
Registration at the door
Members: $15, Non-Members $25
Includes refreshments and raffle prize entry.
Follow Feedback 16 on Twitter
@aigaphilly #feedback16
Moore College of Art & Design
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Just click the promo code and sign up! You'll be riding in no time at all. (or shortened version: Just click the promo code FEEDBACK16 and sign up for a free ride from UBER, up to $20.)