Position: Part Time Instructor of Graphic + Interactive Design

Location: West Chester, PA

Website: West Chester University

Start Date: August 2018

Position Type: Part time, adjunct

Job Description:
West Chester University of Pennsylvania’s Department of Art + Design invites applicants to apply for the part-time position of Adjunct Instructor of Graphic/Interactive Design. The selected candidate will teach up to two sections of ART400: Special Topics in Design — a 400-level advanced design course. The compensation for this position is competitive.

Course Description

Advanced graphic design problem-solving methodologies are leveraged in order to comment on, inform or challenge a social issue via a comprehensive project of the student’s own design. While final projects may take the form of any delivery method the student deems suitable for their topic, digital solutions such as product development, animation and motion graphics are preferable.

ART400 meets twice a week throughout the Fall Semester. Section one meets on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3-5:30. Section two meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-6. Applicants may teach one or both sections depending on availability.

A degree in graphic & interactive design, or a related field, as well as professional experience in graphic design, interactive, and/or motion design is preferred. Candidates should be design-practitioners with a record of publication. Additionally, candidates  should  preferably  have  experience  with  college-level  teaching,  particularly  in  the fields of graphic & interactive design, motion design and/or animation.

Applicants should submit the following materials for review to djones2@wcupa.edu:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • A link to an online portfolio, or digital portfolio of work.
Portfolio should consist of 10 examples of professional work in graphic and interactive design. All images should be sized to 1024 x 768 pixels. All video, web & interactive work should be embedded in the PDF, or shown externally through links provided in the PDF.

To Apply:
Applications are due by July 31st.
Application materials as well as Inquiries about this position should be sent to djones2@wcupa.edu