If you already a huge fan of the two-day rock festival occurring in Serbia in Banatski Sokolac every August, we have excellent news for you. We have already started organizing the 2014 festival and you can expect the best of the best on terms of rock and reggae, blues and even funk music. The big surprise is that in 2014 we will be celebrating 10 years of existence – and we will allow you to book one year ahead! The festival will he held either between the 15th and 16th of August, or the 22nd and 23rd . Feel free to express your preferences concerning the starting dates of the festival using the email address you can find on our web site in the special section dedicated to the jubilee. The great news is that the entry is again going to be free, you will get to see Bob Marley’s statue that was first built in Europe back in 2008, and camping is also free. Plus, the festival is known to host a great deal of bikers and music lovers altogether, and the bands performing here are going to do is for free. Feel free to keep in touch with us via all the media channels we have created for you and don’t miss out on any of the important events and news that are going to be directly related to the 2014 Rock Village festival, the artists that are going t be playing, or the starting date of the event. And while waiting for the festival, here is something on blackjack and how to boost your skills.

Luck Gods Versus Skills
You must have tried to play a fine game of blackjack online at least once in your lifetime. And no matter if the Luck gods decided to grant you your wish and you actually managed to beat the dealer, or you busted and hence lost, you definitely enjoyed playing the game. If you now wish to play online blackjack for real money using your computer or smartphone, you need to start searching for some excellent blackjack casinos to begin with. Check out a couple of fine real money blackjack venues online and decide upon one that features some of the hottest collections of blackjack games over the web. Take your time and browse through the entire palette of choices you will be awarded with and make your pick. Go classic, if you don’t feel like playing some new blackjack rules for the moment, or pick the Surrender or Switch versions of the game and enjoy the extra excitement.
Surrender To The Fun!
Surrender is a peculiar blackjack variant that is going to allow you to surrender your first two blackjack cards and also to split your hand into two different hands. The Switch variant, on the other hand, allows players to switch their cards between their two hands, struggling to get a superior hand and thus boost their shots of winning. If none of these games winks at you, you can always visit this place here blackjacksonline.com and test some of the VIP games of blackjack for better winnings odds you will be able to discover there.