AIGA Philadelphia Fellows

The AIGA Fellow program is a means of recognizing designers who have made a significant contribution to raising the standards of excellence in practice and conduct within their local or regional design community as well as in their local AIGA chapter.

The areas of design education, writing, leadership, advocacy, and practice shall be given equal consideration in measuring significant contribution and impact.The first AIGA Fellow awards were given in 1999. A complete list of recipients is published on the AIGA website. The AIGA Philly Fellows are also listed here.


The honoree should:

  • Be a practitioner and/or educator with more than fifteen years of experience in the profession
  • Be a member in good standing
  • Be making or have made a significant contribution to AIGA
  • Be making or have made a positive impact within their local or regional design community
  • Be advancing or have advanced excellence in design as a discipline, profession, and cultural force.

Past Fellows have included:

  • Inaugural members of a chapter
  • Former chapter Presidents or Board members
  • Design professors and department heads
  • Creative directors, creative leaders, design directors, and design leaders
  • Supporters of the chapter
  • Non-designers who have been involved in a chapter for a significant length of time

Other notes:

  • In no way shall receiving an AIGA Fellow designation preclude the recipient from consideration for an AIGA Medal at a future date.
  • To receive the designation of Fellow, we strongly recommend that an honoree be a current member of AIGA.
  • A four-person nomination committee, including two or more past Boston Fellows, will be selected by the Board and charged with evaluating the nominees’ qualifications and developing a slate of (up to two) recommended recipients.
  • AIGA Boston Board members may nominate candidates but cannot serve on the nomination committee (in a voting capacity).
  • Questions can be directed to


  • Our chapter will host a special event to honor the Fellow(s) or include the presentation as a special part of an existing event, such as a high-profile program or annual meeting.
  • This recognition allows the chapter to showcase the recipients and their body of work in order to build a sense of community as well as make the recipients more visible as role models for young designers. 
  • At the national level, all new Fellows will be listed on the AIGA website.
  • Each Fellow will receive a physical award from the national office.