Meet the Board, Stef Sutton, Communications
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Meet the AIGA Philadelphia Board

We have an amazing group of board members at AIGA Philly and we want you to meet them all! Meet our Communications Director, Stef Sutton. Stef oversees our social media channels, helps write and edit copy for emails and events, and plans social events like Drink and Draws and Coffee & Critiques.

What’s your day job?
Executive Assistant and Office Manager at the National Museum of American Jewish History

What inspires you?
Street art, photography, food blogs

Do you have a hidden talent? What is it?
It’s not really a hidden talent, but I’m a pretty good baker.

Tell us about a unique or quirky fact about you
I’m kind of a video game nerd. My 11th birthday party was in my backyard, but my dad hooked up our TV and Nintendo outside so we could still play Super Mario. I have less time to play now, but I’m still really good at Mario Kart.

What are you listening to on Spotify these days?
I actually have started listening mostly to podcasts, like “My Favorite Murder” and “You Must Remember This”.

What was the last concert you attended?
Vampire Weekend

Favorite typeface?
Helvetica (is that lame?)

What do you love about AIGA?
Honestly, the people. I work with an amazing group of board members and, through events, I meet a lot of really cool local creatives.

What did you want to be when you were a kid?
A fashion designer.

Who’s your design superhero?
Aw man. I’m not a designer (did I mention that, yet), so I can’t think of one. But so far, my favorite AIGA Philly guest lecturer was Debbie Millman.

If you were an ice cream flavor, which one would you be and why?
Birthday cake. It’s a combination of two of favorite things–ice cream + cake.

Would you rather be a giant rodent or a tiny elephant?
I’m going to go with the unpopular answer—a giant rodent. Because elephants are cool and all, but could you imagine a giant chinchilla?

If you could learn any skill, what would it be?
More languages.

If you had a time machine, would you go forward or back in time?

What’s your favorite GIF or meme?

What’s your favorite book?
I recently finished “Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine” which was really good.

What’s your favorite dance move?
I don’t dance often, but I’m a big fan of all the cheesy classics.

Anything else you want people to know about you?
I have an Instagram account for dog, Stella, and I fully intend to make her insta-famous one day.

By aigaphiladelphia
Published November 15, 2017