Explore old and new hand lettering techniques from designer Jeremy Friend.
Participants will discuss and apply both basic and advanced methods in hand lettering to produce beautiful, hand rendered love letters and single and two- word pieces. Tools will include brush pens, ink, and pencil on paper. Participants will also learn refinement techniques using tracing paper and pencil.
Jeremy Friend hails from the good old Pennsylvania Dutch area of Lebanon, PA. After serving in the military, he attended the Minneapolis College of Art + Design (MCAD) where he earned a BFA in Graphic Design. He lives and works in York, PA and Baltimore, MD and also teaches Hand Lettering at the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA). Follow Jeremy on Instagram: jeremyfriend
Supplies are included in the ticket price. Light refreshments will be provided.
Members save on the price of admission. Discover the benefits of being a member and join now!
Saturday, February 11, 2017
9:00–1:00 pm
McNeil Science and Technology Center (STC)
University of the Sciences
45th Street at Woodland Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Free Parking in several lots on campus.
Map and Directions
Non-Member | $100.00
Design Leader | $25.00
Sustaining Member | $45.00
Supporter | $60.00
Contributor | $80.00
Sales are final with no refunds unless AIGA Philadelphia cancels the event. However, tickets are transferable, so tell a friend to come as you if you are unable to attend.
Thank you to our generous venue partner!