Draw with Philadelphia-based illustrator, designer, and incorrigible doodler, Tim Gough. This month we’ll be at WeWork 1900 Market Street.
Learn more about Tim's work and be inspired by his Daily Doodle practice. In keeping with the spookiness of the season, Tim will lead us through a game of Exquisite Corpse, a favorite technique of the surrealists. In this method, a piece of paper is folded in thirds, then the first collaborator draws on the top third, extending two lines slightly onto the next third. The next contributor then starts their drawing based on those two lines, not looking at the previous work. After the third participant has finished, the piece is revealed in all its bizarre glory!
We'll provide some paper and drawing supplies but we encourage you to bring your own as well. Feel free to BYO.
Registration is free and open to AIGA members and non-members, but we ask that you RSVP for access into the building and so that we can provide an appropriate amount of supplies.
Drawings shown are the work of Tim, except the example of the Exquisite Corpse, which are also by Robb Leef (top) and Tim O'Donnell (middle), and Tim Gough (bottom)
More about Tim Gough
Tim Gough has been working as a creative person for various agencies, design firms, and publications for over 15 years. His art and design is influenced by the screen printed process and mid-century graphics. In addition to design and art direction, Tim can be found getting his hands dirty making multi-layered screen prints, drawings, and experimenting in various media. He frequently shows his drawings and prints in galleries across the country. He lives in Philadelphia with his wife and dog.
Thank you to our venue sponsor, WeWork