Deciphering the Good, Bad + the Pretty
How to Visualize Information
Join us for a lecture and hands-on weekend workshop with data visualization expert, Lily Chow.
Infographics can be a compelling way to tell or annotate a story. If a picture is worth 1,000 words, an infographic is worth thousands of data points & trends. But, not every beautifully-designed graphic is a success. As with all creative areas, one must know the rules before you can successfully break them in a smart & innovative way. What are the different forms an infographic can take? What’s the best visual solution? How do you find the balance between form & function? What are some best practices on the client & design side to achieve the best collaboration? This workshop will walk you through the process of creating an infographic from brief to final execution, detailing how to let the information tell you what it's best form is & let your awesome design mind do the rest.
About Lily Chow
Lily Chow is an Art Director for print & interactive. A doer. A problem solver. A mean smoothie maker. Breaking Bad obsessor. Brooklyn-based. Connoisseur and cooker of fine 5 meat loaf type things. Curious one. Designer (graphic) of many things. East Coast born and raised (but went out to Portland, OR for a stint).
Art Directed infographics & designed loads of pages for Bloomberg Markets Mag, print, iPad & web. Designed for Bon Appetit Mag, ESPN Mag. Created branding campaigns & slung advertising for ID Branding. Freelanced for some great clients.
Some nods she’s received: Society of Publication Designers Annual, Communication Arts Annual, Print Annual, Best American Infographics 2015 (Mariner Books), Boxed & Labelled (Gestalten), Design Elements, Color Fundamentals (Rockport), Rosey Awards
Saturday, June 25, 2016
McNeil Science and Technology Center (STC)
University of the Sciences
45th Street at Woodland Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Free Parking in several lots on campus.
Map and Directions
Non-member: $120
Member: $80
Student: $60
A 20% Group Discount is available for teams of 3 or more. Contact for information.
Members save on the price of admission. Discover the benefits of being a member and join now!
Sales are final with no refunds unless AIGA Philadelphia cancels the event. However, tickets are transferable, so tell a friend to come as you if you are unable to attend.
What to bring
Please bring a laptop and sketchbook.
Thank you to our generous venue partner!