ANIMATE Call for Entries

ANIMATE Call for Entries

Are your old-school Flash projects and animated GIFs just not getting the love they deserve? Well then, have we got an exhibit opportunity for you!

AIGA Philadelphia is now accepting submissions for its April art exhibit at SPACE featuring interactive design and web animation. We’re looking for animated GIFs, old-school flash work, after effects creations and interactive artwork… whatever you can send embedded within a URL will be considered. Note: We are NOT accepting embedded videos, business or promotional websites.

Geeks en masse will see the displayed work since our exhibition will coincide with Philly Tech Week and continue through April. Alongside projections of the work, we will be covering SPACE with QR codes (gasp!) for a new kind of gallery experience!

Submission details
Please supply your name, contact information, short entry description, and a URL with your animation (centered in the browser window) to by March 10th. Applicants can submit as many submissions as they would like—so get cracking.

March 10, 2014

Members: FREE
Non-Members: $5

Submit Now

Simply send your submission links (as many as you would like) to

Submit your $5 via paypal and then send your submission links (as many as you would like) to