AIGA Philadelphia Student Group Kick-off!
Students! Join us for a free event to support and encourage the growth of AIGA Philadelphia student groups at colleges and universities in the Philadelphia area. You'll also get a chance to learn more about the newly created Student Group Hub. The Hub aims to provide students that aren’t part of an AIGA Philadelphia student group the opportunity to connect with other design students as well as the AIGA Philadelphia Education committee, and even participate in upcoming educational programming for our chapter.
All attendees will leave with some awesome AIGA Philadelphia swag.
6-7pm: Meet & Greet
Enjoy pizza + drinks while meeting fellow students and AIGA Philadelphia Board Members.
7-7:45pm: Meet the AIGA Philadelphia Board
Learn what we do and why we got involved with AIGA. We'll also talk more about AIGA Student Groups and the Student Group HUB.
7:45-9pm: Mingle, eat some more pizza, sign up for a student group, and get involved!
Can't make it, but want to learn more about student groups? Contact Katie Leech, Education Chair at