Jump to Committee Description :
general | communications | education | mentorship | professional development | programming

We are 100% volunteer-powered!

AIGA Philadelphia’s success depends solely on the efforts of our many volunteers. It takes smart, dedicated, creative people like yourself to make moving the design community forward possible. Get involved and meet some amazing people! Levels of contribution can vary based on your time and availability—volunteers are needed for short one-hour tasks for specific events or for an entire season on a committee.

Become a volunteer and join us!

Jump to Committee Description:
general | communications | education | mentorship | professional development | programming

General Volunteer

General Volunteers are our biggest support system at AIGA Philadelphia. These individuals get to touch many different parts of the organization as catch all volunteers based on their skills and interests. We have opportunities available in administrative work for planning, setting up, and hosting events. For volunteers that lean more into the creative side of things, we have opportunities to create graphics, write copy, or photograph events. If you have an interest in something more specific, definitely reach out!

Communications Committee

The Communications Committee hold the reigns to all our social platforms and strategies. We are looking for communications experts that are passionate about live-capturing the excitement and action of AIGA events and programs throughout the year. Volunteers will engages followers in real-time conversation to attract event attendance, create buzz, and share breaking news.

Education Committee

The Education Committee connects students in our region to the design profession and introduces them to AIGA’s mission and objectives. The committee encourages active student participation by assisting faculty and students who are interested in forming student groups and plans activities and programs to prepare students to enter the professional field.

Mentorship Committee

The Mentorship Committee is responsible for managing and growing the chapter’s mentorship program. In addition to recruiting seasoned designers as mentors and up-and-coming designers as mentees, the committee is responsible for pairing partners and managing the program throughout the year.

Professional Development Committee

The Professional Development Committee assists designers in career growth. Are you passionate about helping designers grow through different points in their career journeys and expand their skills to achieve their full potential? Consider our volunteer opportunities and leave your positive fingerprints.

Programming Committee

The Programming Committee partners with the Programming Director and the Board to prepare an annual programming schedule that supports AIGA National’s mission while meeting the needs of the local AIGA Philadelphia members. The committee helps identify potential programs, speakers and issues of interest based established initiatives and goals.