Meet the Board: Bernardo Margulis, VP

Conoce a Bernardo.

What’s your day job?
Principal, This Makes Me Happy.

What inspires you?
Color, food, people, knitting

Tell us about a unique or quirky fact about you
I’m a middle child

Favorite typefaces
I like workhorse superfamilies especially sans like Trade Gothic or Franklin Gothic

What do you love about AIGA?
The connections I’ve made

What did you want to be when you were a kid?
Changed every day; I once wanted to be a clown

Who’s your design superhero?
Debbie Millman

If you were an ice cream flavor, which one would you be and why?
Vanilla; it’s easy to think of it as plain, but it has so much potential to be a blank canvas to add any toppings or mix-ins you can think of

Would you rather be a giant rodent or a tiny elephant?
Tiny elephant—I’m 6’3″, might as well change it up for a bit

If you could learn any skill, what would it be?
Full-stack development

What’s your favorite GIF or meme?




What’s your favorite book?
The Little Prince

If you had a time machine, would you go forward or back in time?

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